Client| Provera & Carrassi S.r.l.
Executive company|Provera & Carrassi S.r.l.
Site|Civitavecchia city council
Services|Progettazione definitiva delle opere stradali e strutturali e della galleria artificiale. Coordinamento della sicurezza in fase di progettazione.
A new viaduct is part of the junction connecting the new link road between the Port and the Logistics Centre to the Aurelia provincial road; the viaduct allows westbound vehicles approaching from the east to reverse their direction. The final exit point of the junction is a new elongated roundabout providing access to the Logistics centre and the Civitavecchia-Viterbo-Orte highway.
The tunnel construction system consists of the extensive use of prefabricated elements and in particular of: double concrete sheets for all the piers; a hollow slab for the upper insole.
Prefabricated prestressed concrete beams were used for the construction of the decks, being remarkably rigid from a torsional point of view, they ensures an adequate transversal distribution capacity.