Client|Prelios SGR – Abaco Servizi

Location|Piazza Barberini 52, Rome

Activities|Restoration and adaptation to energy legislation. Design, construction supervision and safety coordination.

Amount of the works|€ 2,274,589.99



The purpose of the contract is the execution of the works, supplies and services required for the reorganization of the second to fifth floors and for the restoration of the elevations, terraces and roofs of the building in question.

The net area of ​​each floor of the building is shown in the following table:

· Second floor (2 indoor units 5-6 and 7): 520 sqm

· Third floor (two internal building units 8-9 and 10): 527 sqm

· Fourth floor (a single internal building unit 11-12-13): 406 sqm

· Fifth floor (one internal building unit 14-15): 328 square meters

The building has been subjected to protection pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 42/2004 with D.M. 11/10/2007 and D.D. of 28/10/2011: for the execution of the project works the authorization has already been obtained from the Superintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Rome with the prot. 18979 of 7 November 2013.

The total amount of the works and supplies included in the contract, including the sums indicated below for security charges, is € .2.274.589.99.

The composition of the said total amount divided into categories is shown below:

· Amount of façade restoration works: € 810,883.10

· Amount of internal reorganization works (floors 2 ° -5 °): € 536.820,29

· Amount of electrical and special systems: € 209.543.96

· Amount of water and mechanical systems: € 579,350.83

· Amount of work subject to tender discount: € 2,136,598.18

· Security burden amount not subject to discount: € 137.991,81